Mechanical M-Ayhem is a unique competition hosted at M-A created in 2018 with the purpose of mentoring rookie team members in how to build and compete with a robot.

Like a regular-season FRC tournament, M-Ayhem is a full-day event with multiple rookie teams. Teams of 6-7 rookies assemble robots from scratch over the course of twelve weeks and then compete together. Each match is a competition between two alliances with multiple robots on a side, and during qualification matches, alliances are randomly created. The event has a similar format to actual FRC season events, with a fixed number of qualification matches, and then single-elimination playoffs.

M-Ayhem is designed to teach rookies how to build robots and how actual FRC competitions work. In the long run, it provides students with the opportunity to apply critical thinking, logic, and engineering principles to real-world problems. Working together, students build camaraderie that lasts long after the competition day is over.

Since M-Ayhem's inception, M-A has included other teams, including Deep Blue 199, Gatorgears 4973, and Lionbots 7245. This year, we had Wildhats 100, Bot-Provoking 2904, and SF Unity 9038 join our M-Ayhem community.

If you have more questions, contact us via our website!

THIS YEAR'S THEME: Clean Your Room!
Rookie teams use their robots to compete in a 2v2 bracket-style competition, with 2 sets of 2 robots competing against each other. These groups of 2 robots are called “alliances”. Alliances change with each match so each team can see which other robots they work better with.

This year’s theme is “Clean Your Room”. Each alliance’s objective is to score more points than their opponent. Each brown cube is 1 point and represents a piece of clothing that needs to be put in the hamper (the goal); a gold cube scores extra points.