In 2011, the team had one of its more successful years in recent past, building a robot with an elevator that worked to lift the tubes to the proper height for use in competition. A minibot, an aspect of competition that year, was not fully fitted to the robot until Championships, which the team made it to from the Sacramento Regional on an alliance with 1678 and 1868.
2012 was a unique year for the team, taking a shape similar to that of 2006. On the initial robot design, nothing really worked. The robot could only effectively drive in straight lines and balance on the bridges at the center of the fields. Somehow, this was enough to take us to Championships on an alliance at SVR with 254 and 971.
Over the summer, the team decided to completely rebuilt the robot, complete with a brand new drivetrain for the team. The robot performed surprisingly well for barely being finished the night before CalGames, but we won the competition. We were picked by 254 and 971, just as we had been at SVR.
The 2014 season was another huge year. The challenge for the year was an odd one; the robots were required to be able to shoot a 24-inch-diameter inflatable ball, and it was challenging to design a robot that could operate under the size constraints. After winning the Sacramento Regional, we advanced to Championships, where we unfortunately lost.
In 2015 we mad a robot that could stack totes and put a green container on top which would then be driven over to our human player who would put a noodle into the container. We got chosen to compete in the quarter- finals, but we lost after the Semi-finals. This year was the first and only year in which we allowed a few very interested sixth graders to join the team, one of which is still with us: Sage Ugras.
In 2016, the team went through a rough patch because it was composed of a large percentage of new members who didn't have experience. We spent a lot of the season protoyping, and rushed to complete the robot in time for bag day. It was not operational in time, and we spent most of the Sacramento Regional bringing our robot to working order and missed most of our matches. However, in the Silicon Valley Regional, we were able to compete fairly well and placed in the mid-range of the rankings.